The social security is run by the Department of Work and Pensions Agencies, and it’s the most single expensive programme. The government finances it from taxation, contributions by employers and workers over 16 to the national insurance fund. The official age of retirement in United Kingdom is 65 for men and 60 for women, but it will change to 68 for men by 2024 and 66 for women by 2020. Groups of people who can benefit from the social security system include pregnant women they can get maternity benefits, it is paid for pregnant working women, unemployed people can get benefit called job seeker’s allowance, people over 65 get pensions and the young unemployed people between the age of 16-18 can now be eligible for benefits. It is estimated that quarter of the population is in poverty (including 4.5million children). The future problems for state and private can be solved by reducing benefits, attacking fraud, increasing taxation and targeting those people with the greatest needs. However, in U.A.E. the retirement age for men 60 and women 55. There are many benefits people in the U.A.E. can get from the state such as Widows benefits, Divorcees benefits, Disabled benefits, Elderly benefits, Married students benefits, Families of prisoners benefits, Abandoned women benefits. The benefits system is run by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
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